
fastdaemon protocol and client

Since this module defines the client, it’s important that it has minimal dependencies for us to actually benefit from faster startup. The protocol is largely based on fastcgi though much less feature-full.

import time
from io import BytesIO, BufferedReader
from pathlib import Path
from socketserver import UnixStreamServer,StreamRequestHandler

from fastcore.parallel import threaded



 send_record (w, c)

Send a sequence of length-prefixed utf-8-encoded strings

ss = ['from fastcore.all import *', 'nbdev_clean --stdin']
f = BytesIO()
send_record(f.write, ss)
b = f.getvalue(); b
b'\x00\x00\x00\x1afrom fastcore.all import *\x00\x00\x00\x17nbdev_clean --stdin'


 recv_record (r)

Receive two variable-length utf-8-encoded strings

['from fastcore.all import *', 'nbdev_clean --stdin']


 start_client (port, host=None, dgram=False)

Create a socket client on port, with optional host, of type dgram


 transfer (data, port, host=None, dgram=False)

Send a request and receive a reply in one socket using the fastdaemon protocol

class EchoHandler(StreamRequestHandler):
    def handle(self): self.wfile.write(self.rfile.readline())
p = Path('fdaemon.sock')
if p.exists(): p.unlink()

def _f():
    with UnixStreamServer(str(p), EchoHandler) as srv: srv.handle_request()
time.sleep(0.2) # wait for server to start
transfer(['Input via stdin', 'world\n'], str(p)) # trailing \n is required since TestHandler uses `readline`
['Input via stdin', 'world\n']



 fastdaemon_client (argv=None)

Forward sys.argv and sys.stdin to server and write response to sys.stdout and sys.stderr

!fastdaemon_client -h
usage: fastdaemon_client [-h] [--host HOST] [--dgram] port

Forward `sys.argv` and `sys.stdin` to server and write response to
`sys.stdout` and `sys.stderr`

positional arguments:
  port         Server port. Use int for TCP, and str for Unix socket

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host HOST  Server host (default: `socket.gethostname()`)
  --dgram      Use `SOCK_DGRAM`?