
Auto-generated tagged releases and release notes from GitHub issues


nbdev.release provides 3 commands that you can run from your shell to manage your changelog file and git releases:

  • nbdev_changelog: creates a file from closed and labeled GitHub issues
  • nbdev_release_git: tags and creates a release in GitHub for the current version
  • nbdev_release_gh: calls nbdev_changelog, lets you edit the result, then pushes to git and calls nbdev_release_git

It provides 3 futher commands for releasing packages on pypi or conda:

  • nbdev_pypi: Create and upload a pypi installer
  • nbdev_conda: Create and upload a conda installer
  • nbdev_release_both: Create and upload both pypi and conda installers

Here’s a brief demonstration of how to use the changelog and git release tools in nbdev.release. This demo first creates an issue using the gh command line tool, and then closes it using git; you can also use GitHub’s web interface for both of these tasks. (Note that this functionality used to be in a project called fastrelease, so in the video the command line tools have different names, starting with fastrelease_ instead of nbdev_).


You’ll need to get a GitHub personal access token if you haven’t already. To do so, click here and enter “nbdev” in the “Note” section, and click the repo checkbox.

Then click “Generate Token” at the bottom of the screen, and copy the token (the long string of letters and numbers shown). You can easily do that by clicking the little clipboard icon next to the token.

Copying your token

Paste that token into a file called token into the root of your repo. You can run the following in your terminal (cd to the root of your repo first) to create that file:

echo XXX > token

Replace XXX above with the token you copied. Also, ensure that this file isn’t added to git, by running this in your terminal:

echo token >> .gitignore

Creating release notes

Now you’re ready to create your release notes. These are created in a file called Here’s an example of what it creates: nbdev CHANGELOG.

All issues with the label bug, enhancement, or breaking that have been closed in your repo since your last release will be added to the top of this file. If you haven’t made any releases before, then all issues with those labels will be included.

Therefore, before you create or update, go to your GitHub issues page, remove is:open from the filter, and label any issues you want included with one of the labels above. When you’ve done that, you can create or update your release notes by running in your terminal:


The titles and bodies of each issue will be added. Open in your editor and make any edits that you want, and then commit the file to your repo (remember to git add it!)

Tagging a release

You should now tag a release. This will create a tag in GitHub with your current version number in settings.ini, and will then make it into a release, using your latest release notes as the description of the release:


After you run this, be sure to increment your version number in settings.ini. You can either edit it manually, or if you use nbdev it can be done for you by running:


Doing both (creating release notes, and tagging a release)

To complete both of the steps above, run:


See the screencast above for a demonstration of this.

Python API



 Release (owner=None, repo=None, token=None, **groups)

Create from GitHub issues

To create a markdown changelog, first create a Release object, optionally passing a mapping from GitHub labels to markdown titles. Put your github token in a file named token at the root of your repo. Release attempts to fetch values for arguments from the following locations if not supplied:

  • owner: fetched from the field user in settings.ini. This is the owner name of the repository on GitHub. For example for the repo fastai/fastcore the owner would be fastai.
  • repo: fetched from the field lib_name in settings.ini. This is the name of the repository on GitHub. For example for the repo fastai/fastcore the owner would be fastcore.
  • token: fetched from a file named token at the root of your repo. Creating a token is discussed in the setup section.
  • groups: (optional) fetched from the field label_groups in settings.ini, which is a JSON string. This is a mapping from label names to titles in your release notes. If not specified, this defaults to:
{"breaking": "Breaking Changes", "enhancement":"New Features", "bug":"Bugs Squashed"}



 Release.changelog (debug=False)

Create the file, or return the proposed text if debug is True

Type Default Details
debug bool False Just print the latest changes, instead of updating file
rel = Release()
# print(rel.changelog(debug=True))



 Release.release ()

Tag and create a release in GitHub for the current version

This uses the version information from your settings.ini.



 Release.latest_notes ()

Latest CHANGELOG entry

All relevant pull requests and issues are fetched from the GitHub API, and are categorized according to a user-supplied mapping from labels to markdown headings.

CLI functions



 changelog (debug:<function store_true>=False, repo:str=None)

Create a file from closed and labeled GitHub issues

Type Default Details
debug store_true False Print info to be added to CHANGELOG, instead of updating file
repo str None repo to use instead of lib_name from settings.ini



 release_git (token:str=None)

Tag and create a release in GitHub for the current version

Type Default Details
token str None Optional GitHub token (otherwise token file is used)



 release_gh (token:str=None)

Calls nbdev_changelog, lets you edit the result, then pushes to git and calls nbdev_release_git

Type Default Details
token str None Optional GitHub token (otherwise token file is used)

Publish Packages



 pypi_json (s)

Dictionary decoded JSON for PYPI path s



 latest_pypi (name)

Latest version of name on pypi



 pypi_details (name)

Version, URL, and SHA256 for name from pypi



 conda_output_path (name, build='build')

Output path for conda build



 write_conda_meta (path='conda')

Writes a meta.yaml file to the conda directory of the current directory

This function is used in the conda_package CLI command.

NB: you need to first of all upload your package to PyPi, before creating the conda package.



 write_requirements (directory=None)

Writes a requirements.txt file to directory based on settings.ini.

This function can be used in situations where you need to generate a requirements.txt file for a project.



 anaconda_upload (name, loc=None, user=None, token=None, env_token=None)

Upload name to anaconda

from fastcore.xtras import globtastic



 release_conda (path:str='conda', do_build:<function bool_arg>=True,
                build_args:str='', skip_upload:<function
                store_true>=False, mambabuild:<function store_true>=False,

Create a meta.yaml file ready to be built into a package, and optionally build and upload it

Type Default Details
path str conda Path where package will be created
do_build bool_arg True Run conda build step
build_args str Additional args (as str) to send to conda build
skip_upload store_true False Skip anaconda upload step
mambabuild store_true False Use mambabuild (requires boa)
upload_user str None Optional user to upload package to



 chk_conda_rel (nm:str, apkg:str=None, channel:str='fastai',
                force:<function store_true>=False)

Prints GitHub tag only if a newer release exists on Pypi compared to an Anaconda Repo.

Type Default Details
nm str Package name on pypi
apkg str None Anaconda Package (defaults to {nm})
channel str fastai Anaconda Channel
force store_true False Always return github tag

To build and upload a conda package, cd to the root of your repo, and then:


Or to do things more manually:

nbdev_conda_package --do_build false
cd conda
conda build --no-anaconda-upload --output-folder build {name}
anaconda upload build/noarch/{name}-{ver}-*.tar.bz2

Add --debug to the conda build command to debug any problems that occur. Note that the build step takes a few minutes. Add -u {org_name} to the anaconda upload command if you wish to upload to an organization, or pass upload_user to nbdev_conda_package.

NB: you need to first of all upload your package to PyPi, before creating the conda package.



 release_pypi (repository:str='pypi')

Create and upload Python package to PyPI

Type Default Details
repository str pypi Respository to upload to (defined in ~/.pypirc)



 release_both (path:str='conda', do_build:<function bool_arg>=True,
               build_args:str='', skip_upload:<function store_true>=False,
               mambabuild:<function store_true>=False,
               upload_user:str=None, repository:str='pypi')

Release both conda and PyPI packages

Type Default Details
path str conda Path where package will be created
do_build bool_arg True Run conda build step
build_args str Additional args (as str) to send to conda build
skip_upload store_true False Skip anaconda upload step
mambabuild store_true False Use mambabuild (requires boa)
upload_user str None Optional user to upload package to
repository str pypi Pypi respository to upload to (defined in ~/.pypirc)

Bump Version



 bump_version (version, part=2, unbump=False)



 nbdev_bump_version (part:int=2, unbump:bool=False)

Increment version in settings.ini by one

Type Default Details
part int 2 Part of version to bump
unbump bool False Reduce version instead of increasing it